A burning house and helping from community
On the early morning of June, 16th, 2011 due to the carelessness when playing with candles, the five-year-old son of the family Bui Van Xuat in Village 2- Trung Chau Commune, Dan Phuong District, Hanoi let the fire on funiture and clothes. Because this was the crop season, there were no aldults at home, the whole house and simple kitchen was on fire and finished just after 15 minutes. Luckily, there was no injury, however, the whole house, funitures, clothes, and food were totally gone.
A burning house and helping from community
On the early morning of June, 16th, 2011 due to the carelessness when playing with candles, the five-year-old son of the family Bui Van Xuat in Village 2- Trung Chau Commune, Dan Phuong District, Hanoi let the fire on funiture and clothes. Because this was the crop season, there were no aldults at home, the whole house and simple kitchen was on fire and finished just after 15 minutes. Luckily, there was no injury, however, the whole house, funitures, clothes, and food were totally gone.
The family and the empty house after the fire
The family of Bui Duc Xuat is one of the poorest families in Trung Chau Commune, Dan Phuong District. This family is also on the list of receiving support from Donxa projects:
”Financial Adoption” and “ Laisind Cow Breeding Project”. The couple with three kids , the oldest is just 9 years old all depends on the work of the wife because Mr Xuat is always sick so he cannot do hard work. Their difficulty goes along with this sudden acciden makes thier condition become worse.
The house and the left-over funiture after the fire
Om 16th, July, 2011, Donxa NGO and Melia Hanoi Hotel supported the family with two boxes of clothes and a bag of rice to help them over come thier instant difficulties. Besides, Trung Chau People’s Committee and some communities organizations donated and financially supported the family to repair the burning house.
Hope that the care from communities and organizations will help the family overcome the difficulties and settle down their new life.